What moves you?

What moves you?

Core 5 final paper, Beth Elliott, Institute of Core Energetics New York.

An interesting paper about movement as diagnosis and as process supporting tool. Take your advantage of this!

ABSTRACT: This paper, written in the time of COVID 19, is an overview of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS) and its usefulness in Core Energetics practice as an instrument for observation and transformation. An introduction to the overarching concepts of LBMS is provided, with an emphasis on the use of the body’s relationship to Space as an indicator of one’s state of mind. Ten movement experiences are provided as a gift to the Core Energetics community for use in personal movement practice or one-on-one client and group work. Excerpts of personal process concurrent with the writing of this work illuminate the inner thought process of the author. 

What Moves You – Core 5 Final Project Paper – 2021 06 23 for CSF

Film en artikel: This might hurt

‘This Might Hurt’…

…is the title of a film about curing chronic pain caused by medically unexplained symptoms like: restless leg syndrome, fibromyalgia, repetitive strain injury (RSI), tinnitus, irritable bowel syndrome. See the trailer of this film: https://www.thismighthurtfilm.com

The film is about a science-based program, the Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET). EAET sees a relationship between emotions and chronic pain. This program helps patients in 5 steps to unlearn their brains to reduce or even eliminate the chronic pain. One of the steps is doing emotional processing.
The founder and director of this program, Dr. Howard Schubiner from Providence Park Hospital, Southfield, Michigan, USA, did several surveys about the efficacy of EAET. See here this Review: ‘Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy for Chronic Pain: Rationale, Principles and Techniques, Evidence, and Critical’.

Book: Surrendering to the flow of life. Fernando Aguiar

Book review: Surrendering to the flow of life

Subtitle: Beyond Character structures

Author: Fernando Aguiar, Brazil 2020
Translated by Tracie Shannon Houlihan, 2020

Review in Portugese and in English

Reviewer: Thaís de Queiroz e Silva
Body Therapist – Core Energetics
Master Physical Education, UnB – Brazil
Graduation Physical Education and Social Communication, UnB – Brazil
Website: www.corefeminine.org


Surrendering to the Flow of Life: Beyond Character Defense Structures was first published in Brazilian Portuguese (2019). It is the result of a 5-year research by the author, Fernando Aguiar, in which he used different therapeutic and meditative practices to observe the flow of vital energy in his own body and consciousness. The author writes in the first person and clearly and objectively exposes the intimacy of his findings in relationship with the flow. He defines flow as “listening carefully to the organism, what it needs, what is moving or seeking to move”.

The book has two parts, the first one explains the main concepts, and the second describes how surrendering to the flow happens in workshops and in an in depth experiential group. The theoretical part focuses on character defense structures and how to move energy in search of flow. It uses concepts from Core Energetics, TRE – Trauma Releasing Exercises and Pathwork. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 seem to be the heart of the book, in which “beyond the character structures” is presented in a 180-degree rotation: the author discusses the stages of development not from the childhood trauma and defenses perspective, but through the lens of the free flow of Structuring Intelligences and the adaptive quality of human development. He points out that each Defense Structure has its origin in an Intelligence that is available to be integrated by the child throughout development. In adulthood, the transformation happens as we reconnect to the free expression of the Intelligences. Continue reading

Zicht op effecten van Lichaamsgeorienteerde psychotherapie: Boek

This message is about a Dutch book about the effects of body oriented psychotherapy, by Gees Boseker, former chair of the Core Science Foundation.
As soon as her book is available in English, we intend to write a review in English as well.

Zicht op de effecten van lichaamsgeoriënteerde psychotherapie

Met vreugde wil ik mijn nieuwe boek aankondigen! Acht jaar heb ik gewerkt aan een onderzoeksproject, een pilotstudie, waarvan de uitkomsten uitgebreid in dit boek beschreven staan. Blij ben ik, want de missie die ik met dit boek heb, is om het vak lichaamsgeoriënteerde psychotherapie op wetenschappelijke wijze voor het voetlicht te brengen. Voor het voetlicht bij therapeutische behandelmodellen die baat kunnen hebben bij een lichaamsgerichte aanpak, maar zeker ook bij mijn vakgenoten. Ik hoop dat de wetenschappelijke benadering inspiratie zal brengen het vak lichaamsgeoriënteerde psychotherapie verder te ontwikkelen naar een steeds hoger niveau. Er ligt een rijke waaier aan kennis die erom vraagt opgetild te worden naar een wetenschappelijk niveau. Ik wil het vak een gezicht geven in de wereld van de psychologie en psychotherapie én ik hoop daar zoveel mogelijk mensen in te bereiken en mee te nemen. Continue reading

Erena Bramos, lecture Coming out of Duality

Coming out of Duality

Erena Bramos, director of the Greek Institute of Core Energetics, in this lecture, tells us about duality, how this is manifested in our lives and how to get out of it. Please enjoy this wise woman!

Click here to see this lecture.

Book Review: stalking wild psoas

Book: Stalking Wild Psoas, Embodying Your Core Intelligence

Author: Liz Koch, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, 2019

Dutch Version: Psoas de spier van de ziel. Symbool voor de verbinding tussen lichaam en ziel, Liz Koch, AnkhHermes, Utrecht, 2012

Book review by Willie van Boven, Core Energetics Therapist and translator of the Dutch version of Stalking Wild Psoas.

Liz Koch, who has been observing kinesthetic intelligence and somatic awareness for more than forty years, gathered in this book 9 essays in which she shares her knowledge about psoas. Psoas, this intriguing muscle that connects the upper body with the lower body.

Liz starts by pleading for a new language: as long as we continue to compare ourselves to machines, we consider ourselves merely as death objects, instead of always changing parts of life.

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