What is Core Science Foundation?
Our intention is to create a strong relationship between Core Energetics and Science
Possible Content
There are a lot of areas in science that can have a valuable contribution to our work.
- Attachment
- Psychopathology and diagnosis
- Neurobiology
- Anxiety
- Hormonal processes
- Scientific research on the effects of CE on mental health
- Positive psychology
- Social & political sciences
- Which attitude, knowledge, skills make a therapist a good therapist
Potential Tasks
The Core Science Foundation can perform different tasks:
- Provide information about relevant scientific research and articles
- Suggest the Integration of relevant scientific research and insights into the curriculum of training institutes and our work with clients
- Develop and standardize intake and diagnostic approaches, including scientific and evidence-based ways of collecting data
- Expand the theoretical framework of Core Energetics
- Stimulate scientific research on the effects of CE in treating various types of mental illnesses
- Collaborate with other Science Foundations
Next Event:
Sunday Feb. 16th at 7 pm CET
Transforming Anger: Insights from Body and Mind
a Lecture by Karyne B. Wilner, PsyD
How much: Min of €15
Donations are welcome!
A recording will be available upon request
We need you!
As a board we want to collect contributions of people; coordinate initiatives; choose what must be done first. AND WE NEED YOU all to let it really happen!
If you have ideas, input, information, please mail to secretariat@coresciencefoundation.com.
Of course we also need money.
Donations can be deposit here. Every amount counts.
Or use our Paypal account
Our corevalues
Scientific support of Core Energetics methods and techniques gives clarity about the why and when of interventions
Scientific support gives a broader embedding of the models and theory in modern insights and practice
Diagnosis and a scientific approach in thinking about a client and his/her process will allow us to build a respected global brand and therapeutic process
Scientific support stimulates development of models and theory of Core Energetics; to move into the future, connect with future ways to heal people (“what’s next!”)
Connecting Core Energetics to Science connects Core Energetics to “the outside world of therapy”